The Masculine

Masculine energy is that part of us that leads, takes action, creates structure, and uses logic. We all possess divine masculine energy - also referred to as yang, shiva, or solar energy. We must ensure this energy is stable and balanced within us, regardless of gender. Our masculine energy is our internal father, provider force, and is associated with the right side of your body.  

When tapping into healthy masculine energy you're assertive, confident, and fight for what you believe in. You lead with logic and reason to take action toward accomplishing your goals and to remain disciplined. You'll be objective and hold all your emotions comfortably without becoming overwhelmed. Tuning into this energy allows you to create and maintain boundaries because it's easy to see what's in alignment with you and what's not. By harnessing this energy, you'll feel comfortable taking risks, putting yourself out there, being a warrior, and fighting for your survival if necessary. 

On the contrary, disempowered masculine energy leads with anger and quickly becomes aggressive, abusive, and violent when overwhelmed. If this isn't expressed outwardly to others, it will be directed inwardly. Wounded or toxic masculine energy is controlling, domineering, lazy, unfocused, lacks follow-thru and direction, is easily distracted and seduced, and is afraid to move. 

To understand where your masculine energy is at, review the following characteristics for empowered and disempowered masculine energies. 

Characteristics of Disempowered Masculine Energy:

  • overdoing

  • overbearing

  • overthinking

  • controlling

  • aggressive

  • abusive

  • confrontational

  • perfectionistic

  • emotionless

  • heartless

  • lacks healthy boundaries

  • easily seduced and distracted

  • confusion

Characteristics of Empowered Masculine Energy:

  • doing/action-oriented

  • honest

  • accountable

  • logical 

  • supportive 

  • goal-oriented

  • focused

  • ambitious

  • healthy boundaries

  • confident

  • logical

  • emotionally balanced

  • mental clarity

  • will-power

Take note of any areas where you notice that you're masculine energy is imbalanced. To achieve balance, do the empowered opposite of that characteristic. For example, if you lack ambition, take action on something you've been stuck on or avoiding. We're all human and have at least one area (more likely many areas) at any given moment we're growing into.

Maturing our inner divine masculine is an important part of our ascension process and cannot be ignored. To have our "sacred marriage" or "divine union" we must mature both the divine masculine and feminine inside to achieve harmony and balanced polarity. 

Aside from balancing out specific characteristics in your current masculine energy, you may want to dive deeper into the following areas:

Masculine Wounding

Examine your wounds surrounding interactions and experiences with men, most specifically your father or the person who filled that role. What was your experience like with the males in your life? Have you felt protected and supported by males or abused and taken advantage of? Getting curious about your life experiences will give you insight into your unconscious beliefs, prejudices, biases, and judgments toward men. Mental and emotional blocks due to male wounding may be what's hindering your masculine energy. Look for these around abandonment, friendship, alienation, love, hate, emotional connection, emotional unavailability, etc.

Take Responsibility

Look at yourself and the many ways you're getting in your way. Where are you playing the victim? Where are you being codependent? Where are you playing the "damsel in distress" role and waiting to be rescued? To be in divine masculine energy, you must take personal responsibility in all areas of your life, take accountability, control your thoughts and feelings, and own your choices. No more blaming people, places, or things for your circumstances. There's always a way forward. 

Get To Know Your "Inner Father" Architype

Carl Jung is famous for coining the different archetypes to describe the various parts of the psyche. We all have an inner father and must tap into this energy to reparent ourselves when we're healing the many life stages of our inner child. Journaling, writing letters to your inner father, and having an internal dialogue with him to work through past painful experiences all help you get to know and heal this part of yourself. Look to heal experiences in which your father didn't protect you or offer proper guidance, and give that to yourself.

Male Conditioning

What does it mean to be a man to you? As a society and depending on our upbringing, we've all been conditioned as to what is acceptable and unacceptable male behavior. 

Examples of common male conditioning are:

  • Men must be the head of the household.

  • Men must have a successful career. 

  • Men don't cry or show emotion.

  • Men must rescue or save women and children.

  • Men must dominate women sexually, physically, and in the career space.

  • Men must look strong and be muscular.

Honestly, it's time that individuals and society redefine masculinity and free our men from such unhealthy and unreasonable expectations. Let our men be soft and strong, intelligent and emotional, providers and nurturers - you get the idea. 

Find a Masculine Teacher/Leader/Figure to Help You Embody Healthy Masculinity

This doesn't need to be someone famous or well-known, it may be any healthy, embodied, and mature male role model in your life. If you don't have anyone who fits that description, then look to healthy masculines such as Eckhart Tolle, Matthew Hussey, Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra, Jay Shetty, Jesus, Krishnamaturi, Lao Tzu, and the Buddha. Learn from these healthy men how to embrace and engage your divine masculine within.

Embracing our divine masculinity and engaging with the energy in a healthy way is necessary for us to be balanced and ascend on our spiritual journey. There will be times when you're more in your masculine energy or in your feminine energy, but the goal is to have both energies empowered and accessible at any time.  


The Feminine


Spiritual Connections