Have you ever had that moment where you looked into the mirror and didn’t recognize the person staring back at you?

I’ve been there… and it doesn’t have to be this way.

I’m Cyndi - a certified trauma-informed transformation and connection life coach and I’m dedicated to helping others connect with their authentic selves to live a more healthy, peaceful, and fulfilling life.

 Certified Trauma-Informed Coach.

Reiki Healer.

Connection Life Coach.

Here's My Story

Wait, who is this?

For me, that “who is this?” moment was in 2019 when I awoke after my first night in the hospital for what was to become a 12-day mystery stay. The team ran test after test but they couldn’t find anything medically wrong with me. I was transferred to multiple departments and still no answers. My body stopped functioning properly and for the first time in my life, I had zero control over what was happening and I was forced to surrender.

I was confused, depressed, stressed, and anxious to say the least. This was a far cry from the woman I’ve always known myself to be - a woman who is healthy, vibrant, confident, intelligent, and quick-witted - just to name a few. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I no longer recognized the person staring back at me. Somehow, slowly through the years, I had lost myself and the qualities that made me uniquely “Cyndi.”

It was in that moment I realized I was at the lowest point in my life and I had no clue how I got there. The doctors eventually concluded it to be a misfortunate accident due to the herbal supplements I was taking for gut healing prescribed by my chiropractor, but they never found a true medical diagnosis for my condition.

Fast forward many years later and I now know exactly what landed me in the hospital. There was never going to be a test that the medical team could’ve run to figure it out. The many years of self-sacrificing and caretaking of others finally won and my body and soul finally had nothing left to give. I was forced to face the parts of my life that weren’t serving me, get serious about my physical and mental health, and make drastic life changes to rediscover myself and return to my authenticity. Everything was no longer fine and I had to take responsibility for myself and my life.

A Life Conditioned to Chaos

From an early age I was conditioned to living life with a certain level of chaos, so I was desensitized to stress and the early warning signs of burnout. 

The night before my body started shutting down, I received a promotion and by all counts should’ve been celebrating my achievement. Instead, I was at my tipping point where my body said, “No more!” this ends NOW! In the 6 months prior I had moved, started a new job in an industry I knew nothing about, changed my youngest daughter’s school and daycare, and multiple important relationships in my life were one argument away from imploding.

Two weeks prior to the event, I dropped the bomb on my husband that I wanted a divorce and my relationship with my oldest daughter could be described as rocky at best. I was overstressed and overworked trying to be everything to everyone in my life while neglecting the most important person…me. 


Finally… A Discovery

After leaving the hospital I connected with a therapist to work through the trauma I collected throughout the years. With her help, we slowly unraveled the many layers of healing and I finally found the answers I sought. I was finally dragged out from my denial that my life was perfect. I was no longer in denial that my husband was emotionally, verbally, and mentally abusive with highly narcissistic traits. While he was the main source of my stress and unhappiness, it wasn’t all him and he certainly wasn't to blame. I had to learn and accept that I played my own part in allowing and accepting his behavior and treatment.

My family of origin played a huge role in shaping my beliefs around what “healthy” relationships were so I needed to form new beliefs around relationships that better served me and the life I wanted to live. From an early age I was groomed by my family to not have boundaries and to accept all people and situations into my life, even when they weren’t healthy. It was drilled into me not to judge others and to be accepting of everyone - no matter what. While that’s a beautiful space to hold for others, it doesn’t really cultivate safety in relationships and we need to have boundaries.

I can’t fault my family as they just didn’t recognize that this belief didn’t serve them and so they passed it along to me and my siblings. Hello generational/ancestral trauma and dysfunctional patterns! Throughout my years, I had completely abandoned myself and my needs for the sake of everyone else and in the pursuit of people pleasing, societal success and things codependency. Was I happy? I thought I was, but as the denial slipped away I realized that it had been so many years since I was truly happy and myself.

The further I progressed in my healing, the more I recognized the changes and boundaries that I needed to establish with friends, family, romantic relationships, and work for my health. In order to properly heal and move forward, I needed to end the toxic patterns and cycles taught to me in childhood and reprogram my brain to a new default program that reflected my true values and beliefs. Piece by piece, I collected the parts of myself that I so willingly abandoned or gave away throughout the years, finally making myself whole again. 

Your journey does not have to be like mine. I’m here to assist you in connecting with your most authentic self.



Healing is such a personal journey so I offer a variety of services to meet you where you're at. My 1:1 and couple session work is reserved for the deepest and most transformative outcomes. It's highly recommended that you've done some previous therapy or self-help work for maximum benefit as we'll incorporate childhood family dynamics, any past traumas, beliefs, and pattern recognition. I offer a variety of focused healing journey courses and intuitive services for those wanting to have a lighter approach to healing.

By booking a free 30-min consultation, we will work together to determine which service is the best fit for you.

1:1 Private Coaching Sessions

Focused Healing Journeys

Focused Healing Journeys

Tarot and Oracle Card Readings

Intuitive Services