Spiritual Connections

Soulmates come in many forms. Soul ties, soul family, soul contracts, kindred spirits, twin flames, and more are all terms used to try and categorize different soulmate connections. So what's with the labels? 

These labels all describe the same thing - a deep, spiritual, soul connection felt between two people that extends beyond normal connections. The chemistry and attraction is intense. There's a feeling of familiarity like you've known them forever, even if you just met. Understanding and describing your feelings for the person can be hard to put into words and may not make logical sense. You feel at peace, comfortable, joyous, and like you can easily be your authentic self with this person. 

So let's break them down:


A soul mate is someone who's an ideal match, typically as a friend or romantic partner, with whom you have deep feelings or natural affinity. There are past-life soulmates, karmic soulmates, romantic soulmates, and companion soulmates. Depending on the soul contract, these individuals may be in your life short or long-term. 

Some signs of a soulmate connection are:

  • You feel the connection immediately

  • You recognize each other's souls

  • Unconditional love is present

  • Eye contact is felt intensely 

  • You're physically drawn to each other 

  • Sexual chemistry is off the charts for romantic soulmates

  • You help each other grow and are supportive of one another

  • You trigger each other just enough to push soul growth, not enough to traumatize each other

  • There's deep empathy for one another

  • Divine timing and synchronicities are present

Soul Ties

A soul tie is a term used to describe an emotional and spiritual connection between two people. This type of connection can be with anyone in any area of your life, including pets! These connections are intense, can feel overwhelming, and are stronger than other connections in your life - including a soul mate. Soul ties can be a positive or negative experience, mostly being formed through sexual intimacy and deep connection with others. 

Some signs to look for to recognize if you have a soul tie with someone are: 

  • You have a deep connection with them

  • They show up at just the right time and offer you comfort during transition or when entering a new phase in your life

  • You're obsessed with them and they consume your thoughts

  • You may want their approval before making a decision

  • Letting go is hard and may feel almost impossible

  • They feel familiar like they complete you, and your connection feels unique

  • You may begin to lose yourself in the connection and go against your values

  • You may fantasize about them a lot

Soul Contracts

Soul contracts are spiritual agreements made by a previous soul before birth, intended to guide human life experiences. There are various types of soul contracts, which can be positive or negative experiences, and each serves a specific purpose towards elevating our soul's growth. These connections help us neutralize past life karma and they tend to be from your soul family or group. We have a soul contract with every person we ever come into contact with - even if it's a stranger. Family, friends, lovers, pets, coworkers, and acquaintances are all included. 

Soul Family

This is a group of people that you resonate with energetically on a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level. You tend to share an intense and strong bond with these people that transcends time. Think of family and friends that you reconnect with and it feels as if nothing was lost in your connection during the period of separation - you just pick up where you left off! Even if you just met someone, you can easily recognize that they're part of your soul family because you'll feel them on a soul level and have a deep understanding of one another right away. The purpose of your soul family is to love, protect, and nurture you. They'll be supportive of you and help you reach your goals to complete your soul purpose/mission. These people may or may not be part of your blood family. 

Here are a few signs you are in connection with a soul family member:

  • You feel deeply understood

  • There's a deep connection felt on a soul level

  • You feel safe to share all of your feelings

  • They're patient, wise, and offer new perspectives

  • You lose your sense of time when you're together

  • There's no ego present (or at least it's very minimal)

  • You feel like you're the same person

  • You light up when you see them

  • You can be your authentic self around them

  • They push you to be your best 

  • Telepathy is present

  • Distance isn't a barrier and doesn't affect the relationship

  • You can finish each other's thoughts

  • They have your best interests at heart - no envy or jealousy present!

Kindred Spirits

This is someone whose interests, opinions, feelings, and attitudes are similar to your own. You may have similar life experiences, feel at peace together, view the world the same, can tell what they think or feel, are highly supportive, you learn about yourself through them because you're so similar, and you may have felt like you knew them forever upon first meeting them. This is a "birds of a feather flock together" type of connection that feels light and easy. These can be romantic but mostly tend to be platonic friendship connections.

Twin Flames

Just to be clear - this type of connection isn't everyone's journey and is actually rare. I'm not a fan of the information published about this type of connection, specifically when it supports people's delusions of putting this type of connection on a pedestal. No, this is not the end-all-be-all type of connection. Yes, it's intense and offers the most transformative soul growth, but you're better off marrying a high-level soulmate than being with your twin. 

Some people believe that twin flames are the same soul torn in half and living in two different bodies. It's an intense soul connection with someone thought to be their other half, sometimes referred to as a mirrored soul. I believe this to be yin-yang energy or polarity in The 3D, not the literal definition floating around in mass on the internet. 

Twins reunite (not in every lifetime) and, upon meeting, go through the following stages: 

  • Yearning for "The One"

  • Awakening: Meeting your Twin

  • Connection: Developing a Deep Connection

  • Honeymoon Stage

  • Conflict: The Test

  • Surrender or Dissalution

  • Runner and Chaser Dynamic

  • Soul Reunion: Coming Together

I'm not a fan of supporting the Twin Flame journey even though I've experienced connection with my twin and resonate with this journey, so this is where I'm leaving this subject. There's a lot of information on the subject if you're interested in learning more and resonating with this journey. Be aware that there are false twin flames that you tend to unite with before meeting your real twin. And no - your twin is not married to someone else or a person who doesn't even know you exist. Please don't use this type of connection to feed your delusions or keep you stuck.

At the end of the day the label doesn't matter. The connection you feel with another person isn't more or less important based on how you categorize it. Enjoy your life, enjoy those who are in it, and let your connections ebb and flow with the tides of life. 


The Masculine


Letting Go