The Feminine

The divine feminine is the energy in all of us that's soft, compassionate, forgiving, nurturing, creative, sensual, and intuitive. Divine feminine energy is also known as yin, Shakti, and lunar energy and is associated with the left side of your body. To be in your divine feminine energy means to go with the flow and not fight or resist. You lead with your intuition and embrace the beauty of life around you. 

Empowered feminine energy is authentic, intuitive, creative, vulnerable, expressive, surrenders, flowy, empathetic, forgiving, compromising, compassionate, sensual, soft, receiving, and okay with just being and resting. This energy is vibrant and abundant, embracing and creating beauty in all areas of life. When you're in this energy, you speak your truth without fear of how your message will be received. You feel comfortable with your emotions and express them clearly and authentically. 

On the contrary, disempowered feminine energy is rigid, insecure, needy, codependent, envious, naive, manipulative, conforming, overly apologetic, has weak boundaries, feels unworthy, full of shame and guilt, and is overly emotional. When you're in this energy, there's a deep feeling of lack and fear of competition. You may resort to using manipulation tactics or self-abandon to get the outcome or person you desire. Because of your weak boundaries, you often feel taken advantage of or people please against your better judgment. There's also a loss of authenticity and individuality in this energy. 

To understand where your feminine energy is at, review the following characteristics for empowered and disempowered energies. 

Empowered Feminine Energy:

  • intuitive

  • creative

  • flowy

  • compassionate

  • empathetic

  • forgiving (but not self-abandoning)

  • confident

  • collaborative

  • great communication skills

  • authentic

  • vulnerable

  • full of self-love and self-worth

  • resting/being

  • receiving

  • lives in purpose and service

  • emotionally intelligent

  • emotional

  • present

  • surrendering

Characteristics of Disempowered Feminine Energy

  • lacks confidence and self-worth

  • codependent

  • has weak or no boundaries

  • conforms

  • jealous or envious

  • manipulative

  • overly emotional and emotive

  • naive

  • disconnected from intuition and source

  • disassociated with body

  • rigid

  • feels guilt and shame

  • doesn't speak their truth

  • is frozen or stuck

  • overly apologetic

  • full of self-judgment and doubt

  • self-abandons

  • needy

  • insecure

Take note of any areas where you notice that you're feminine energy is imbalanced. To achieve balance, do the empowered opposite of that characteristic. For example, if you struggle to communicate your feelings, meet yourself where you're at and steadily increase your confidence using your voice. First, acknowledge your feelings to yourself and then do the next right thing for you to express them outwardly. Maybe you begin by sharing them out loud for the first time with a trusted friend. Perhaps you send that person a text or voice note expressing how you're feeling. What's right for you may differ from the person next to you, so do the next right thing for you. Remember, we're all human and have at least one area (more likely many areas) at any given moment we're growing and maturing into.

Maturing our inner divine feminine is an important part of our ascension process and cannot be ignored. To have our "sacred marriage" or "divine union" we must mature both the divine masculine and feminine inside to achieve harmony and balanced polarity. 

Aside from balancing out specific characteristics in your current feminine energy, you may want to dive deeper into the following areas:


Love on every part of yourself! Self-love is much more than saying affirmations and believing you're lovable, it's taking care of your whole self. Self-love is defined as a multidimensional, multifaceted process of purposeful engagement in strategies that promote healthy functioning and enhance your well-being. The relationship with yourself is the most important relationship in your life and its health is vital to maintaining balance and harmony in all areas of your life. Self-care isn't selfish but rather a conscious act that helps you connect with yourself deeply to give you space to grow into authenticity. There are five main areas of self-care: physical, social, emotional, mental, and spiritual. 

Here are some ways to connect with yourself more deeply:


  • walk in nature

  • get enough sleep each night

  • eat healthy and nutritious foods

  • move your body every day

  • commit to a daily self-care routine


  • maintain healthy friendships

  • expand your network

  • speak with a friend on the phone

  • meet up with a friend

  • go on a trip with friends or family

  • join a community group or volunteer

  • take a local class


  • journal for self-reflection

  • do shadow work, parts work, or inner-child healing

  • explore your emotions on a deeper level

  • read self-help books

  • join a support group, seek therapy or coaching


  • squash negative self-talk

  • speak lovingly to yourself

  • do puzzles, crosswords, or read to keep your mind sharp

  • take a class or workshop to learn something new

  • practice radical self-acceptance

  • watch or read inspirational material

  • limit your exposure to negativity


  • meditate and ground your energy daily

  • develop and connect with your intuition

  • practice daily gratitude

  • attend church or spiritual gatherings

  • expand your spiritual/religious knowledge

  • define your relationship with God

Get Creative

One of my favorite ways to tap into my feminine energy is to get creative. Singing, dancing, creating art, or anything else creative allows you to get into flow and release the need to control. Daydreaming about your potential future is a beautiful way to open up your mind to what's possible versus what you know to be true in your current reality. We all need to take a break from reality from time to time in a healthy way so we may release stagnant energy and feel restricted. 

Activate Your Five Senses

Indulge your senses and embrace the sensual nature of life. Cook an aromatic meal, eat something with complex flavors, wrap yourself in a cozy blanket, watch a sunrise or sunset, or get lost in your favorite music. Activating your senses puts you into receiving mode and helps to balance out the side of us that gets caught up in overdoing. 

Embrace The Beauty of Life

Recognize your beauty and the beauty of everything around you. Walk in nature, spend time at an art exhibit, go to the salon, get a new outfit, or do anything else that either makes you feel beautiful or allows you to embrace the beauty of life around you in the present moment. The feminine sees the beauty in everyone and everything!

Slow Down

Feminine energy is okay with just being and resting. Take time out for rest and relaxation, it's just as important as taking action. We need to recharge our energy, not only by getting enough sleep each night but by allowing ourselves to slow our energy down enough to be in the present moment. 

Embracing our divine femininity and engaging with the energy in a healthy way is necessary for us to be balanced and ascend on our spiritual journey. There will be times when you're more in your masculine energy or in your feminine energy, but the goal is to have both energies empowered and accessible at any time.  


Divine Union


The Masculine