Tell Yourself A Story That Inspires

Did you know that on average, you have about 60,000 different thoughts every day?!

Of those thoughts, 30% are general, mundane, or survival in nature, whereas the remaining thoughts are negative, limiting, and disempowering.

I'm sure you've heard the saying "Don't believe every thought you think" and after realizing that roughly 42,000 of your daily thoughts don't benefit you in any way, I'm certain you can understand why this is true.

Understanding how your brain works is a game changer. When you become aware of the power your brain has to either build you up or tear you down, you can then become an active participant in curating your internal narrative.

When you become conscious of a thought you can challenge it by asking yourself:

  • Is this an empowering or disempowering thought?

  • Is this thought mine? If not, where did it come from?

  • How may I reframe this thought into something a bit gentler and kinder to myself?

It takes on average six repeated positive experiences to override your natural or current neural pathway. With roughly 42,000 chances every day to retrain your brain into thinking more positively, you have a lot of opportunities to practice.

So how can you tell yourself a more inspiring story today?

Even if the details of your story include pain, how can you see past your pain to honor your strength, courage, and resiliency? We all have a story inside us, please tell one to yourself and the world around you that inspires yourself and others.


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