Divine Union

A divine union is the highest and purest form of love, embodying and expressing unconditional love. Also known as agape love, this connection transcends ego-based attachments, expectations, and fears, allowing both people to experience God-centered love in its purest form. Divine union is where the divine feminine and masculine energy come together in a sacred union that transcends gender. The balance is energetic, akin to yin-yang or twin flame energy, as we all identify as being either more feminine or masculine energetically.  

While we all have the birthright to achieve this loving union, not everyone will experience it. A divine union is sacred, but most importantly, it has to be achieved within before coming into union with another. We may only come into divine union with another person who embodies the opposite energy we carry and who's completed their inner union.

The ancient Greeks categorized love into four main types: eros, agape, philia, and storge.    

  • Eros: Romantic, lustful, passionate, and fiery love driven by physical attraction. This is the lowest form of love one can experience.

  • Agape: This is the highest and purest form of love. It's unconditional, selfless, universal, and unconditional, and is sometimes referred to as sacrificial love because you hold it above yourself and your ego.

  • Philia: Affectionate love between romantic soulmates and friends.

  • Storge: Familiar love between kin and family members.

Most everyone will experience eros, philia, and storge love within their lifetime. To be open to the possibility of agape love, you have to do the inner work necessary to be purified and ready for this sacred union. When you enter divine union with another, you're also committing to have God be your anchor, guide, and center of your connection. 

How To Come Into Inner Union

The first step to coming into union with yourself is to do a personal inventory. What are your current blocks around giving and receiving love? What biases, limiting beliefs, or negative thoughts keep you from love in the present moment? Do you feel worthy of love? Do you have any wounding from previous relationships that needs transmuting? Are you balanced within your own masculine and feminine energies? Are you nurturing and giving yourself the love you want to receive from your future partner first? Do you know what your needs are in a relationship? Are you clear on what you want to experience in partnership? Do you know what characteristics your future partner will possess? Do you believe that your perfect person exists?

Once you've identified and worked through your inventory around love, write down all the qualities you want your future partner to possess. Focus on qualities that have substance, such as honesty, loyalty, kindness, and generosity. Steer clear of low-vibed ones such as being tall, making a lot of money, being good-looking, etc. Whatever your list consists of, get as clear as possible about what you desire in a partner! Using a scale from 1 to 10, rate yourself where you're currently at with each of those qualities. If you're very loyal and honest, those can be ranked a 10, but if you lack discipline, you might rank that as a 4. Anything ranked at a 5 or under circle on your list. Those are the areas of personal development you need to focus on to first become your perfect partner. Remember, we can't call in or expect our partner to be or offer something that we aren't already embodying within ourselves!

After your self-development journey, shift your focus to your heart space. Immerse yourself in self-love and begin loving and nurturing yourself how you want to be loved and nurtured by your future partner. Everything is energetic, so you must become familiar and comfortable with the energy to recognize when it's given to you by another person. You could be in connection with your divine partner right now and not know it if you aren't ready to recognize the energy or to receive it. During this process, it's common for additional limiting beliefs and self-imposed limitations to pop up. Do your best to challenge them and move through the energy, transmuting the old stories to something more aligned with what you desire to be true in the present moment. For example, if your limiting belief is "I can't be in a relationship until I'm healed or perfect" try shifting your belief to "I trust in myself enough to know when I'm ready to be in a new relationship and to pick the right person." Do you see how the second belief is more open and not nearly as limiting but still honors you and where you're at in the present? 

Calling In Your Divine Counterpart

Now that you've completed your inner union, you're ready to call in your divine counterpart. Get clear on how you'll maintain your independence while in this union. What boundaries do you need for yourself to remain committed to your current life but create space for a partner? What old patterns need to end? What expectations do you have or need to let go of? How do you manage conflict resolution? How's your communication? What's your trauma response? Are you comfortable with leading (if masculine) or receiving (if feminine)? Can you hold space for your partner while they're processing or working through a soul lesson? Are you capable of not taking things personally? What are your triggers? Are you comfortable with space in a relationship? Are you still struggling with codependency or addiction? The way we love ourselves is how we will love our partner, so if you struggle to love yourself you aren't available to offer love to another. 

Readiness and Willingness

There are several ways to call in your partner, but the best way to start is to be in a place of readiness. There's an element of faith and belief that your person is on their way to you. Divine timing is at play with these types of connections and they cannot be rushed. There are plenty of lower-level connections to engage with if that's what you choose, but love like this is definitely worth waiting for. 

Reprogramming Your Subconscious

Listening to love meditations is a perfect way to subconsciously align with divine union. You're reprogramming your mind on the deepest level to be open and willing to receive divine love. 

Journal or Write Love Letters

Writing a letter to your future partner or writing one to yourself from them is a great exercise to call in this union. I personally refrain from ever trying to manifest a specific person because I'll never mess with the free will of another person. I want God to align me with my perfect person and not who I think is perfect for me at that moment. Even if I'm in a connection with someone and I'm manifesting my future, I still don't use their name. Some people will take this a step further and create a relationship manifestation journal and write to their future partner. If that calls to you, great! If not, that's also great! 

You don't have to engage in any manifestation techniques if you don't want to. Personally, I don't work with manifestation a ton because I trust that everything and everyone aligned with me will show up on my path-which is the final step in manifestation! I get clear about what I want, but I don't dwell on it or revisit it often. I simply let go and trust whatever is aligned is on its way to me. For me, that is really the secret to having what I desire come in so quickly! I let go and let God so I don't block my own blessings. 

Once you've experienced a divine union, all other forms of love may feel meaningless and unfulfilling. I will only entertain a partnership with someone who can meet me on a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level. Traditional relationships aren't something I'm interested in entertaining, and I find labels to be meaningless if I'm being completely honest. Labels don't provide anything other than a definition of what type of connection you're in and a false sense of security. The commitment and honoring felt in a divine union far exceeds the fulfillment in traditional relationships because God is the one who blesses and holds the connection together. You truly can't find any better than that!




The Feminine