Hidden Messages In My Logo Design

If you didn't get a chance to read my last post, I opened up about the spiritual awakening that changed me forever and led me down my path of true healing and alignment. You may check out that blog via the link in my bio. 

I thought it'd be fun to share some of the hidden meaning behind the logo I had designed for my business. 

What's in a name?

I chose Back To Me With Cyndi because it perfectly describes the process of self-growth and returning to authenticity. At some point early in our lives, we begin hiding who we are to appease family or to fit in with friends and coworkers. We bury those parts of ourselves that are unique, special, or feel unlovable in exchange for the acceptance of others. Most of the time, there's a belief (whether real or imagined) that we won't be loved and accepted as we are, so we begin to relegate those parts of ourselves to the shadows and pretend they no longer exist. The only problem with that is they never really go away. They come to light in unconscious ways through our negative self-talk, creating limiting beliefs, and fueling self-sabotaging behaviors. By reclaiming those lost parts of yourself, you become whole again. Not that you weren't whole before or aren't whole now, you're just fully aware and accepting of yourself. A lot of the work I do with clients is spent in this space. We work on understanding and accepting what's happened, reframing old and outdated stories, and moving forward with more positive and empowering self-talk. 

The Naked Woman

I chose to have a naked woman tastefully incorporated into my logo because it represents the vulnerability and courage needed to embark on the journey of self-development. It's so much easier to stay low vibrational and unaware of yourself and others, which is why not everyone is drawn to do this work. The woman has her hands outstretched, calling to the child above her. This part of the logo represents the process of healing the inner child. Healing from what's happened to us and returning to our child-like innocence is an important part of moving forward, realizing our full potential, and reclaiming authenticity. Did you also notice that the arc is a C for Cyndi? 

Herbs and Florals

The herbs and florals the woman rests upon are a nod to what helped spark my own "big bang" spiritual awakening. All the flowers and herbs represented in my logo possess healing properties. When we're in the middle of healing or experiencing a high-stress load, supporting your body with healing foods is imperative.


I chose a handwritten font for part of my logo to represent the unpredictability and non-perfection of healing. While the path to self-discovery is beautiful when the picture is complete (or at least for that one part), there are many twists and turns throughout the journey, sometimes making it feel like you're taking two steps forward and then ten backward. When you're in the middle of healing, it's hard to see how beautiful the journey is and how everything you went through was to help you reach your full potential by shedding what was unnecessary. 

Now you know the hidden messages in my logo! 


Ghost Partner


Spiritual Awakenings