
What can I say - great friends are everything! Friendships are a crucial element in living a rich and fulfilling life. Our friends are generally a well of unconditional love and support, often feeling closer to us than our family. We uniquely experience life with our friends and tend to have many adventures together that wouldn't be the same with anyone else.

Friendships come in all shapes and forms. There are acquaintances, networking partners, coworkers, clients, friends who are for a season and a reason, and then there are those who are your ride-or-dies. Whichever category they fall into, they all add something special to your life.

My friendships are some of my deepest, richest, and most fulfilling relationships. I cherish them so much and appreciate each unique connection dearly.

The cover photo for this post perfectly captures all the elements present in my friendships - especially my closest ones. You can see the closeness, trust, vulnerability, admiration, joy, love, and genuine connection. I'm inspired by my friends and feel seen, heard, and valued by each of them.

One of the biggest reasons my friendships are so fulfilling is that I only allow reciprocal and healthy connections filled with mutual respect, honesty, loyalty, and unconditional love. My deepest friendships are a judgment-free zone and nourish my soul in ways that no other relationship can.

Maintaining friendships as an adult can be challenging, but they're worth the effort. I get it - balancing a career, family obligations, and making space for yourself already requires much time and energy. While it's easy to put friends on the back burner, it doesn't mean we should.

What's worked for me is to give where and when I can consistently and connect with purpose. My inner circle is small because I want to nurture and maintain those relationships. I don't have the energy or space to maintain a ton of friendships, nor do I want a roster full of half-baked connections that feel unfulfilling. And because my friendships are so healthy and reciprocal, I receive energy and fill my cup up whenever I'm with them!

I know I'm very fortunate because not everyone has this level of connection or support with their friends, let alone anyone else in some cases. If this is you and you're struggling with your current friendships or to meet new people, I suggest first taking a look inward. Are you truly open to connection? Do you offer a deep well of trust, safety, and connection to yourself? If the answer is no, your solution is to create that inner safety within yourself first. You cannot offer something to another that you don't already offer or possess yourself!

If you're simply struggling with meeting more aligned people, get involved more within your community. Sign up to volunteer, attend local classes or workshops, join a team or book club, or simply ask your current friends to do more group activities so you can meet some of their other friends. You never know where or when your new bestie may show up - you simply need to be open to receiving them when they do!

Take some time today to honor your friends. Check-in on them or send them a sweet message letting them know how much their friendship means to you. Perhaps this post is the nudge you needed to reprioritize your friendships and challenge you to take them deeper.




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