
This past week has tested my faith. Scratch that - it's made me appreciate the depth of my faith.

Faith is something that I've personally struggled with in different ways throughout my life. But each time I've questioned my faith, I've returned to it with a deeper and more expanded appreciation. At this point in my life, my faith is woven into every cell of my being. It's unshakable, but that doesn't mean it's not tested from time to time.

So what does faith mean to you? What is your relationship with faith? Traditionally speaking, faith is an unwavering trust or confidence in something or someone. Faith is also a religious and spiritual principle that involves placing your trust in God or the Divine to believe in someone or something without physical proof.

My faith is deeply personal and has been shaped and molded by every experience, every tear (both those of joy and sorrow), every anxious thought and fear during times of uncertainty, and the many breaking points I've been pushed to. And you know what? I'm still here, and my life continues to evolve into something truly amazing, beautiful, and fulfilling. My faith is that warm blanket or soothing calm voice that tells me I'll get through this, despite what I see or experience in my external reality.

Faith is what we all need to lean on and into during times of uncertainty, stress, chaos, or transition. Without a solid relationship with faith (not just trust in God or being religious), you'll easily be swept up in negativity and focus on anything and everything that can go wrong vs. the possibility of everything going right. And there's a balance here too! We can't ignore that life isn't always sunshine and rainbows and that sometimes sorrow and painful experiences are part of the human experience.

What's helped me the most to develop a deep connection with my faith has been the combination of deconstructing outdated beliefs and seeing the higher purpose and blessing of everything I've experienced. By defining my relationship with God and faith, I've let go of beliefs that don't align or serve me. I know that during the moment of impact, it's hard to see how anything positive can come from experiencing something painful. However, with time, healing, and perspective, it is possible to mine the silver linings from even the most painful experiences.

Looking for the positives or silver linings in negative experiences may be difficult at first, but it's the shift needed to have gratitude for our life and no longer allow past negativity to have a hold on us. For some, this may be realizing that you needed a push to take a leap of faith towards making your dreams a reality so that the unexpected ending was a blessing and what caused you to dig deeper. For others, it's realizing that through the loss of a relationship or loved one, we never really know how long we have been with the people we love, so we develop a deeper appreciation for those in our life and the time we have with them.

If you're curious about deepening your faith, start by questioning what faith means to you. Where did your beliefs about faith come from? Are they rooted in your truth or someone else's? What can you let go of to create more space for what is true for you? How have all your experiences shaped you into the person you are now? What positive shifts have you made in your life because of your experiences? How has your belief in God or God's plan shifted? Has there been a deepening of trust within yourself and your personal power?

Today, my faith looks like a calm ocean - it's clear, rises and falls with the tides, and has a depth yet to be explored. My faith feels like the sun on my face on a hot summer day - bright and warm. It calms me when I become overwhelmed and keeps me committed to my principles. I know and trust that everything in life is happening for my betterment and that there's nothing I could never figure out or move through. My faith is everything to me and keeps me grounded in times of uncertainty.

If you're struggling with your relationship with faith, know it's up to you to determine when you're ready to explore this concept. In time, everything will become clear and your faith will reappear when you're open and ready to receive it.


Letting Go

