
How truly committed to yourself and your life are you? What does commitment mean to you? How deeply are you able to offer commitment?

We all have people and things in our lives that we're committed to. Those commitments differ for everyone but generally include friends, family, a career, a partner, children, our health, hobbies, groups, etc.

My question to you is - how deeply are you committed to the people, goals, and things in your life that you've offered commitment to? Are there limitations or conditions to your level or depth of commitment? Are you all in or do you leave yourself an out just in case things go south?

This theme of commitment has been showing up recently in my life and for those around me. I've been diving deep into understanding commitment - what it means to me, how I'm showing up, how the other is showing up, and if those commitments are solid and aligned with my highest good. I'm assessing where I've been playing small and holding myself back, where I need to go all in, and where I've potentially committed to the wrong people or things and have been settling.

What's been fascinating is that underneath the surface of all of this, regardless of the aspect of my life I'm assessing, the common cause is fear - fear of making the wrong choice, fear of not being worthy of what I desire, fear of being hurt or disappointed again, and surprisingly, the fear of potentially getting exactly what I want.

As I dove deeper, I realized I wasn't fully committed to myself and the life I wanted and had been settling in some areas. I left space for disappointment or not receiving exactly what I wanted. In this space, I gave myself permission to hold myself back. I found it interesting that there's still a part of me allowing my past experiences to limit what I felt was possible. While I'd commit, those commitments were only to a certain point. I wasn't willing to go fully into something. My unwillingness to fully commit to me was mirrored right back to me in multiple areas. This all makes sense because the outer world is a reflection of your inner world - in this case, what I felt to be possible and acceptable for me and what I was worthy of receiving.

At the end of the day, not fully committing to the people, goals, and experiences in my life was only hurting me. The lack of fulfillment comes from not allowing myself to fully express myself and being open to receiving rather than the external situation itself. Holding back in any area of life keeps me small and unexpanded. If I want to feel the expansion in my life, I must be expansive and take up that space. I can't have, be, or feel what I'm not able to give myself. I love this because I have the power to change this dynamic immediately. Since owning this personal truth and recommitting to myself on a deeper level, I've felt the shift and I'm starting to see my reality realign to mirror my new level of commitment to myself.

So again I'm asking, where are you holding yourself back from joy and fulfillment by not fully committing? Where are you allowing the fear of the past to hold you back from allowing something new to bloom? Perhaps that's a new relationship, a goal or dream, or in your career. Wherever this theme is resonating in your life, I encourage you to push past your fear because on the other side is likely something you deeply desire. Pushing past fear allows you to break free from the patterns and limitations of what you've experienced and move into what you desire. My hope for you is that you're inspired to deeply commit to yourself and your life so you can break free from your own past and move forward into your beautiful future.




Divine Union