What You Desire Is Coming For You

I get it - waiting can be agonizing! 

Whether you're patiently waiting for that right job opportunity, romantic partner, home, or anything else to materialize in your reality, waiting for what's in alignment is the right thing to do. 

Let this serve as your daily reminder to never settle in life - EVER! 

Settling for almost the right person, place, or thing is very tempting when you're too focused on achieving your goal or having what you desire in the present moment rather than the long-term benefit or bigger picture. While the short-term satisfaction feels good, those good feelings rarely last, and you'll find yourself right back where you started before you accepted that job, partnered with that *almost* person, or invested in that okay home because it was available when you wanted it. 

Whenever you choose to fill up space in your life, it prevents opportunities that are more aligned from materializing. If you settle for *almost*, you will delay or block your highest blessing. 

So the next time you consider settling, challenge yourself as to why you're open to accepting less than what you deserve. Instead, get excited about how close that right job, person, or opportunity is coming in for you! 

Sometimes, the block happens when it's too hard to believe that what we want exists - so it doesn't feel like a real possibility causing us to settle. Other times, the block is that we don't believe we're worthy of receiving what we truly desire, so we settle for less. 

Old stories, limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, and other self-sabotage behaviors are generally the culprits behind settling. 

Be patient, believe what you want is out there, and know that each 'no' is getting you closer to your ultimate desire!


False Belief


Facing Your Shadow