The Seductress

Oooh...I'm so excited to be writing about this juicy and sexy theme.

The seductress is alluring, seductive, mysterious, irresistible, tempting, and all things dripping sexual desire. She selects and pursues her prey skillfully, knowing exactly what to say and do to lure him in, turning up the heat at the right moment to ensure she gets what she desires. It's an unfair advantage that tends to leave even the strongest person weak and tempted to give into their primal desire.

A seductress isn't gender specific; we're talking about the energy of seduction, so adjust accordingly. This energy also shows up in many different shapes and forms.

Throughout my late teens and early 20s, I used this energy heavily to get whatever and whoever I wanted. I referred to the men I was interested in as my "victims," did all the pursuing, and was shallow as f*ck - selecting solely based on physical attraction and being completely inconsiderate of their feelings and desires. I've always been naturally beautiful and alluring. I have gorgeous blue eyes that can pierce your soul, luscious lips, a killer smile, and curves in all the right places, so if I turn on the energy of seduction, it only amplifies my assets. 

Don't get me wrong - I enjoyed being seduced as well. This resulted in attracting all the wrong men and situations to only turn around and play victim after feeling hurt and used. My cycle played out unconsciously for many years because I wasn't addressing the root issue - my deep seeded lack of self-worth, self-abandonment, and sexual wounding.

As I've matured and been working on myself, I've realized how important it is to understand the intent behind what/who we desire and what/who desires us. I now ask myself questions like:

  • Why do I want this experience? What do I want out of it?

  • Am I trying to avoid giving to myself by receiving through another?

  • Am I using this person/place/or thing in any way?

  • Is this healthy for me and the other person?

I interact with the energy of seduction much differently these days, harnessing it for alignment and self-love. I'm seduced only by the beauty and magic of life and God's plan, not being attached to any one person or experience to obtain this fulfillment.

Not everyone has reached this level of awareness, and I was reminded of it earlier this week when I took my children to Trader Joe's with no makeup, my hair undone, wearing jeans and a tank - looking like a hot mess really. I couldn't find something, so I asked someone near me for help, and the next thing I knew, there were three men near me dropping everything to help - recruiting another five to seven men to help scour the store for me. 

I mean...they straight-up combed that store like a search party looking for my children lost in the woods!!!  

They were in the deli, the dry foods section, frozen foods, and even checking the warehouse for this item. It was a scene and I became uncomfortable due to all the attention due and spectacle of it all as others in the store noticed all the commotion. (some of them were literally running) It was overkill, but I found my item and was quickly reminded how important it is to be mindful of my energy. These men lost their minds (IMO) because this was a one-person job, and the level of attention I received was super inappropriate. 

While I did nothing close to turning on my seductive energy, this reminded me that how others view me, how they feel in my presence, and my need to assess their motives for coming toward me are all equally important. 

I attract all kinds of people for all kinds of reasons. When dating specifically, it takes time to understand if men are interested in me for who I am beyond my outer packaging or if they just like how I make them feel about themselves by being with me. 

(Sidebar here - I find the dating scene incredibly annoying, frustrating, and exhausting, so I mostly avoid it. How do you all do it?!?! :)  

I refuse to do dating apps, participate in situationships, and not down with hook-up culture. Instead, I trust in my higher power and alignment to bring in the right person at the right time and for the right reasons. I also trust my intuition and vibes over anything the other person says or does because I've learned those aren't always genuine either - but vibes never lie, and my intuition is always on point. 

I've worked incredibly hard on myself to cultivate inner peace, love, and fulfillment, and I'm unwilling to have anyone in my energy that negatively impacts that. I'm at the point in my journey where I'm no longer impressed with anything anyone says or offers and only value consistency and action. I think this speaks volumes to the amount of inner work I've done to heal this theme and my core wounds that can become activated in this space.    

Your journey with the theme of seduction is unique to you and will shift and change throughout your life through personal growth and as you increase your levels of awareness. My purpose in sharing my story is to help you release yourself from any lingering shame or judgment, along with helping you see how this energy theme manifests and changes along the way. 

And maybe, just maybe, you will choose to fall in love with yourself and the intoxication of abundance that the universe and God have to offer you rather than that F-boy or girl holding you back from genuine love and connection, especially with yourself.


The Player

