The Road To Hell…

During my walk yesterday morning, this phrase kept coming into my consciousness over and over. I'm sure you're familiar with it and its meaning, however, what came to my awareness was a perspective that I had yet to consider - a new hidden layer revealed so to speak.

While the original meaning intended for us to focus on our actions and how we unintentionally cause harm to both ourselves and others, I was led to consider the reverse. While the intentions of others are most often good-natured and well-meaning, they possess the power to cause unnecessary confusion, misdirection, misalignment, and other blockages on our journey if we allow them to influence our truth and inner security.

As my walk unfolded, I found myself confused and misreading the trail maps which sent me on a completely different journey than I originally intended. This is a unique experience for me because I'm very familiar with this park and navigated it the day before without an issue.

In this section of the forest, my path was far more difficult to navigate. The hills were much more frequent with dramatic inclines and my path was consistently blocked with large downed trees. I was able to maneuver around all the blockages but it did require much more effort on my part.

I'm sharing all of this because as the rest of my day and interactions with loved ones unfolded, I saw the symbolism and synchronicity of having this experience. Every conversation I had yesterday mirrored this energy. Each person I connected with was conflicted, confused, unsure, and questioned their heart and truth all after opening themselves up to receiving outside opinions.

Reflecting on two conversations in particular, it was interesting for me to notice the polarity and resulting outcomes for each based on their decisions. In the first situation, my connection easily regrounded their energy and chose to realign with their truth before deciding which way to move forward. This led to a beautiful and uninterrupted experience that was favorable and aligned. My second connection chose to react impulsively, most likely out of fear and self-protection, which resulted in an opportunity to close.

I can't ignore the symbolism of my two very different hikes and conversations over the weekend and their deeper spiritual meaning.

If we take the sacred pause and reconnect with ourselves to make decisions based on self-love and our truth, we won't be steered off our path even when outside energies try to influence us. The road ahead will be clear, aligned, and easy to navigate.

However, when we choose not to take the sacred pause the opposite is true. The decision is ungrounded, impulsive, and most often not aligned with our truth. At the moment we may feel it is our truth, but we're making decisions in a dysregulated nervous system state, out of ego (self-protection), and confuse this as a message from our intuition or higher power. This is one way we self-sabotage, causing unnecessary spiritual lessons, blockages, delays, and misdirection in our life.

Breathwork, somatic healing, inner-child work, and other forms of nervous system regulation help us to stabilize and safely feel our body. So align with your truth, stay empowered, become fully embodied, and be discerning of your inner circle and their influences over you.


Find Your Balance


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