What Your Heart Desires

Your heart will never lead you astray.

When you truly have a heart desire the pull will be undeniable. You'll feel it in every cell of your body and know the truth of your direction with every fiber of your being. The discernment of the heart is pure and authentic and pulls you into alignment.

If you're questioning if you can trust what your heart is yearning for then sink into your heart, close your eyes, and ask your body if this desire is right for you.

Notice the way your body reacts. Is there a pull forward (a full body yes!) or is there resistance and your body sinks backward (a call for a pause and discernment)?

  • Are there limiting beliefs, conditioning, or negative stories living in your head?

  • Are you talking yourself right out of alignment?

  • Do you not believe you're worthy of what you desire?

  • Do you believe that what you desire doesn't desire you?

  • Is the voice you hear in your head your ego trying to keep you safe and play small in your life? (a fear of fully stepping into your power)

  • Is it a voice of a loved one telling you that you're wrong to want what you desire? (A request to repeat family patterns + karma)

This is an opportunity to trust and choose yourself. Your heart begs you to choose yourself and your authenticity.

Once you've balanced your head and your heart put your faith in God, The Divine, Your Higher Power, or whoever or whatever you refer to your faith as, and trust that you'll be guided and supported to achieve what you desire. Believe, trust, and know that what you desire truly desires you too.

Take the next right step, just one small tiny step towards where your heart is leading you. See the miracles of choosing from your seat of personal power and breaking free from outside conditioning, influences, and old patterns.

Life is too short to play and live small and deny yourself what you desire. We are all meant to live a beautiful and full life filled with purpose, love, respect, empowerment, joy, and personal freedom.

Stay blessed and empowered my friends!


You Aren’t Asking For Too Much


The Void