
There are times in our lives when the choices we make have a greater impact on our future than others, and right now is one of those times collectively. As Pluto has officially entered the sign of Aquarius today, the energy in the air today is auspicious. I can feel the shift happening. Aquarius energy is all about consciousness, innovation, and revolution. We're moving away from fear-based consciousness, making decisions based on survival and need, and moving towards love. As a collective, we're finally allowing our heart to be our compass, making conscious choices that fulfill our soul and align us with our destiny.

But letting go of what is, our patterns, and what's comfortable is challenging. I get it, and I have deep compassion and empathy for that. It takes a lot of bravery to admit to yourself that you want and deserve more. It takes courage to take action toward making those changes within yourself and your environment. It takes deep self-compassion to forgive yourself when you stumble along the way - and believe me, you will stumble. And it takes perseverance to keep going when all you have left is your faith and radical self-love to know you're worthy of more.

What I've seen over these past couple of weeks has been an opportunity to revisit our fears and old patterns as they've bubbled up to the surface. Fears around relationships and finances are being highlighted collectively.

For those already in commitments, many are questioning if the relationship is right for who they are today and what they want for their future. For those who are single, what seems to be surfacing are the subconscious fears and blocks that keep repelling and rejecting love through patterns of self-isolation or engaging in low-vibrational, co-dependent, or lust-based connections.

This also seems to be interwoven into the area of finances and recognizing how our fears and beliefs around money have impacted our decisions in work and love. Have we been sacrificing our happiness at an unfulfilling job or workplace in exchange for money? Are we with our partners because of money and the fear we can't make it alone financially? How are we trading security and what's familiar for an opportunity to find fulfillment elsewhere?

Today marks an important decision point for many. Are you going to choose the comfort of what's familiar, even if it's hurting you? Or are you willing to follow your heart and make healthier choices for yourself? Are you willing to sacrafice the familiar to make room for the new?

Today is the perfect day to take space for yourself and sit quietly with your heart. Allow yourself to drop your ego (the defences and modes of self-protection), any outside opinions, and just listen to your heart. What is your heart telling you? What does it desire? Who does it desire? How is your heart trying to lead you in a different direction? Or is your heart urging you to stay and fight for yourself, a situation, or another person?

It's easy to get caught up in making decisions just based solely on logic, but our minds aren't always right. Confusion and activation happens when our head and heart are in conflict with each other. Sometimes it's easy to think your way through life because it feels safer. If there's still pain in the heart from being betrayed, neglected, rejected, or abandoned in the past, it can lead one to believe that following their heart is wrong. If there have been cycles of emotional manipulation, it's possible to have trained oneself to rely on logic and not be swayed by emotions. But this blocks out love and fulfillment. It keeps us stuck in endless cycles of repeating the past. It also blocks out authentic connection and alignment.

Breaking this cycle requires us to lean into love and remain open with the knowledge that we're both at risk of being hurt again, and potentially on the precipous of finding true fulfillment, joy, love, and connection.

So what is your heart telling you today? Does any of this resonate with you and your current story? How can you calm and ground your body and mind enough to connect with your heart? And when you finally connect with your heart, what is your heart yearning to tell you?

This practice of connecting your head and heart to make decisions together is so powerful and leads you to make authentic, aligned, and empowered choices out of a place of self-love and alignment. When you know what's right for you, no matter how the person or situation feels, you can feel good knowing that you're making the right choices for you from an empowered place and not out of fear.

Sending you all so much love and good energy as you navigate this tricky time by making conscious choices from a place of deep self-love and alignment.



